A Semi-Detached Home in Břevnov - Návrh a projekt rodinného domu včetně realizace a designu interiéru - Czech Prague Architects - Free Architects
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A Semi-Detached Home in Břevnov

Reconstruction of a semi-detached house

Contemporary lifestyle places new demands on the homes in which we live. A small, separate kitchen, one toilet accessible from an unheated, small entry hall, or two rooms instead of the three you need, are the most common problems of some older developments.  When we add to this restrictions to obtaining building permission, we may give in to despair. The professional intervention of the architect can open new possibilities of how to exploit the hidden potential of a property. This is what has been achieved in the reconstruction here. Then all that' s needed is a few design strokes, and the original nightmare becomes a superb Prague residency.

Area of building plot 467m2
Surface area built on 132m2

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Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 733 546 097, or e-mail: office(at)architects(dot)cz.
