Belgian Style - Czech Prague Architects - Free Architects
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Belgian Style

An airy interior

In the traditional Belgian style, we can forget about Brussels. Here we are dealing with uninterrupted traditions in economics, diplomacy and trade. Resistance against all wars, unrest and political instability has provided a solid foundation for this significant style. Businesses are family ones, each with its own, unique atmosphere.  People are not afraid to have big, unveiled windows, because they have nothing to hide, and they want their interiors to be airy. Thanks to industrial development, Belgian architecture is on the boundaries between industrial and Anglo-French styles. Current versatility of development allows modern, simple architecture to influence historical buildings without spoiling them. You can therefore see a black minimalist glass cube in a historic building, for example,  and it looks good. The interior primarily features natural shades of oak and walnut, richly coloured, painted walls being complemented by soft, comfortable furniture. The interior is also on the crossroads between industrial and historicist, rustic styles. The centres of Belgian style are clearly Bruges and Ghent, which are well worth a visit with the aim of  appreciating this individual style in its original and most concentrated form.

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